Fun, Free & Flourishing

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100 Kid Friendly Summer Ideas for Little to No Money!

Enjoying Summer on a Budget!

Summer is here, and it’s the perfect time to create unforgettable memories with your kids without breaking the bank. Here are 100 fun, affordable, and creative activities to make this summer the best one yet!

Don’t forget to tell me your favorites!!!

Outdoor Adventures

  1. Nature Scavenger Hunt: Create a list of items to find in your backyard or a local park.
  2. Picnic in the Park: Pack a simple lunch and enjoy a meal outdoors.
  3. Beach Day: Enjoy the sun, sand, and waves at your nearest beach.
  4. Hiking: Explore nearby trails and enjoy the beauty of nature.
  5. Backyard Camping: Set up a tent in your yard and have a mini camping adventure.
  6. Bike Ride: Discover new trails or paths around your neighborhood.
  7. Fly a Kite: Head to an open field and watch your kite soar.
  8. Stargazing: Lay out a blanket and look for constellations and shooting stars.
  9. Visit a Farmers Market: Sample fresh produce and homemade goods.
  10. Geocaching: Join this global treasure hunt using a smartphone app.

Water Fun

  1. Sprinkler Fun: Turn on the sprinkler for a refreshing backyard splash.
  2. Water Balloon Fight: Cool off with a friendly water balloon battle.
  3. DIY Slip ‘N Slide: Use a tarp and a hose for some sliding fun.
  4. Water Gun Battle: Have a blast with water guns in the yard.
  5. Visit a Splash Pad: Find a local splash pad for free water play.
  6. Water Table Play: Set up a water table with cups and toys.
  7. Build a Sandcastle: Create sand masterpieces at the beach or sandbox.
  8. Puddle Jumping: After a rainstorm, let them splash in puddles.
  9. Pool Day: Visit a community pool or invite friends over for a pool day.
  10. Float Down a River: Find a safe, shallow spot to float on inner tubes.

Creative Crafts

  1. Nature Art: Use leaves, sticks, and rocks to create nature-inspired art.
  2. Paint Rocks: Collect and paint rocks to use as garden decorations.
  3. Make a Bird Feeder: Craft a feeder using a pine cone, peanut butter, and birdseed.
  4. DIY Sidewalk Chalk: Make your own chalk for creative outdoor drawings.
  5. Tie-Dye Shirts: Transform old shirts into colorful creations.
  6. Homemade Playdough: Mix up a batch of playdough for hours of fun.
  7. Paper Airplanes: Create and fly your own paper airplanes.
  8. Nature Collage: Collect and glue natural items onto paper for a unique collage.
  9. Make Puppets: Create puppets from socks or paper bags and put on a show.
  10. DIY Wind Chimes: Craft wind chimes using household items.

Learning and Exploring

  1. Library Visit: Check out books and participate in free library programs.
  2. Museum Free Days: Take advantage of free admission days at local museums.
  3. DIY Science Experiments: Try simple experiments like vinegar and baking soda volcanoes.
  4. Explore a State Park: Visit a state park and learn about local wildlife.
  5. Gardening: Plant flowers or vegetables and watch them grow.
  6. Visit a Historic Site: Learn about local history with a visit to a nearby site.
  7. Read Together: Choose a book series to read together.
  8. Virtual Field Trips: Explore museums, zoos, and landmarks online.
  9. Bug Hunt: Search for and identify different insects in your yard.
  10. Create a Family Tree: Research and create a visual family tree.

At-Home Entertainment

  1. Movie Marathon: Have a themed movie day with popcorn and cozy blankets.
  2. Backyard Obstacle Course: Set up a fun and challenging course.
  3. Board Game Day: Spend the day playing your favorite board games.
  4. Talent Show: Let each family member showcase their unique talents.
  5. Dance Party: Turn up the music and dance around the living room.
  6. Bake Together: Make cookies, cupcakes, or a simple cake.
  7. Indoor Campout: Set up a tent or fort inside and tell stories.
  8. Family Photo Shoot: Have fun with a DIY photo session.
  9. Puzzle Time: Work on a large puzzle together.
  10. Storytelling Session: Create and share your own stories.

Community and Friends

  1. Playdate Swap: Take turns hosting playdates with friends.
  2. Community Events: Check out free local events like concerts or festivals.
  3. Neighborhood Cleanup: Teach kids the importance of caring for their environment.
  4. Garage Sale Treasure Hunt: Visit local garage sales for unique finds.
  5. Volunteer Together: Find family-friendly volunteer opportunities.
  6. Potluck Picnic: Organize a picnic with friends and family.
  7. Sidewalk Chalk Party: Invite friends for a chalk art session.
  8. Bike Parade: Decorate bikes and have a neighborhood parade.
  9. Lemonade Stand: Set up a stand and donate the earnings to a cause.
  10. Craft Exchange: Swap craft supplies and ideas with friends.

Simple Pleasures

  1. Cloud Watching: Lay on the grass and find shapes in the clouds.
  2. Bird Watching: Use binoculars to spot and identify different birds.
  3. Make Ice Cream: Whip up homemade ice cream in a bag.
  4. Bubble Fun: Blow bubbles and see who can make the biggest ones.
  5. Read Under a Tree: Bring a book and enjoy reading outside.
  6. Homemade Popsicles: Create refreshing treats with fruit juice and molds.
  7. Sunset Watching: Find a good spot to watch the sunset together.
  8. Collect Shells: Gather seashells at the beach and make art with them.
  9. Mud Kitchen: Let the kids get messy with a DIY mud kitchen.
  10. Fairy Garden: Create a miniature garden with tiny decorations.

Games and Sports

  1. Soccer in the Yard: Set up goals and have a family match.
  2. Frisbee: Toss a frisbee around at the park.
  3. Hopscotch: Draw a hopscotch board on the sidewalk and play.
  4. Jump Rope: Have a jump rope contest to see who can jump the longest.
  5. Tug of War: Use a rope for a friendly game of tug of war.
  6. Hula Hooping: See who can hula hoop the longest.
  7. Hide and Seek: Play a classic game of hide and seek.
  8. Tag: Enjoy a game of tag in the yard or park.
  9. Marbles: Teach kids how to play with marbles.
  10. Sack Race: Use old pillowcases for a fun sack race.

Quiet Time Activities

  1. Coloring Books: Spend some quiet time coloring together.
  2. Journaling: Encourage kids to write about their summer adventures.
  3. Origami: Learn and practice the art of paper folding.
  4. Audiobooks: Listen to stories together during downtime.
  5. Puzzle Books: Work on crosswords, word searches, or Sudoku.
  6. Yoga: Practice kid-friendly yoga poses.
  7. Meditation: Teach simple meditation techniques.
  8. Scrapbooking: Create a scrapbook of summer memories.
  9. Crafting Cards: Make homemade cards for family and friends.
  10. Letter Writing: Write letters to grandparents or pen pals.

Special Summer Projects

  1. Summer Journal: Document your summer adventures with drawings and notes.
  2. Time Capsule: Create a time capsule to open in the future.
  3. Family Recipe Book: Compile favorite recipes into a book.
  4. DIY Photo Album: Print and organize summer photos.
  5. Summer Reading Challenge: Set a goal and reward for reading books.
  6. Nature Journal: Record observations from nature walks.
  7. Treasure Hunt: Create a map and have a backyard treasure hunt.
  8. DIY Birdhouse: Build and paint a birdhouse together.
  9. Upcycle Crafts: Turn old items into new creations.
  10. Dream Board: Make a vision board with goals and dreams.

Enjoy the summer with these budget-friendly activities that will create lasting memories for you and your kiddos. My prayer is you embrace the simple joys, explore the world around you, and most importantly, have fun together!

Rooting for you mama! xo

Check out newest FREEBIE OTG Mama Survival Guide!

Surviving to Thriving

Top 5 On-the-Go Mom Survival Tips I’ve learned as a mama of four that help with:
  • Lack of Time for Self-Care
  • Meal Planning Stress
  • Overwhelm and Lack of Inspiration
  • Feeling Isolated
  • Unpreparedness for On-the-Go Needs
  • Self-Judgment and Stress
The guide helps you feel more organized, supported, and confident in managing your busy life.

I look forward to hearing about all your adventures 🙂

Tell me in the comments YOUR favorite budget friendly activites!!!

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