Fun, Free & Flourishing

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Are you good at asking for help?

Do you say yes to help when you don’t need it but someone offers?? πŸ€”

What if you need help? Do you ask??

Do you receive help well?? πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

What if I told you saying yes and reaching out is actually a blessing to not just you but the other person too!?! πŸ’œ

πŸ‘‰This is something I’ve learned these past few years … to say yes when people offer to help 😍

Is it hard? Sometimes.

Is it humbling? Yes.

Have I always been good at it? No.

Is it worth it? Always!!

This is me, completely depleted before picking up my older two from school. I almost fell asleep and missed pick up (again, yup I’m that mom lol). I remember this day. I could have reached out to a friend earlier in the day and didn’t. (There were lots of tears and yelling that I had to ask forgiveness for.) Not my best momming day.

πŸ’œHaving 4 kiddos, running a home, helping in ministry, having a home business and doing other fun things is a lot!! Is it doable? YES! 😍 Can I do it all alone? NO!

πŸ‘‰People who know me and who see me doing all the things, ask how I do it all? My answer is always, β€œI don’t!!” πŸ€£πŸ˜‚

I tell them my house is always a mess! (I’m not the best cleaner 😬…. I mean who likes to clean πŸ˜‚) My hubby who I’m soooooo grateful for, cooks more than me 😬 I have amazing family on both sides who live close and help all the time πŸ₯° There are amazing leaders in ministry, and in business that work together to pull off amazing things!!! Plus wonderful friends who encourage the heck out of me!!!

BUT!!!! If I don’t ask or receive the help when offered then not only am I missing out on help … but I alienate people from my journey and isolate myself from the blessings of connection!!!

We are not meant to do life alone!!!

πŸ‘‰I feel honored when someone asks me for help! This means they trust me enough to let them in! It means they are willing to let me be a part of their journey! It starts building community and that mom tribe/ village people talk about.

I would not be where I am today, with the support I have, if I didn’t ask for help, receive help, or let people in ❀️

πŸ‘‰All this to say, let people help you! Let others be blessed by blessing you ❀️

I look forward to giving back in all the ways I’ve been helped over the years! Makes me smile just thinking about it πŸ₯° We are all in different seasons for a reason.

πŸ‘‰Also just want to say thanks again to all the people that have helped me get to the place I am today!! Love you πŸ’œ

#iamblessed #sayyestohelp #shoutouttomyawesomehubby

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