Fun, Free & Flourishing

Break free from what's holding you back and step into your calling.

Book Progress after One Month!

I can’t believe its already been a over a month since announcing I’m sharing my story, in the form of writing a book!!!

If you are new here, Yay! So glad you’ve found you’re way to my slice of the internet ๐Ÿ™‚

Check out my “Writing a Book by the End of the Year!” blog post!

(It still feels a little unreal to say that.)

A few things have happened. (Well a lot, lol).

ONE: Sickies!

  • #momlife right!!! not only is is summer time so they are home, we also got hit, domino style for almost 3 weeks ( one kiddo is currently sick AGAIN)

TWO: I let self doubt, fear and imposter syndrome creep in!!!

  • The thoughts of “who am I to write a book” flooded my mind. Amongst many more not nice things I battled within, and continue to work through.

THREE: Summer!!!

  • Kids home, lack of routine, and trips have cut the time I thought I had, in half.

All this to say, it’s been HARD.

However there is a saying, “If it was easy, everyone would be doing it,” right?

So on the positive (there are always two sides).

There have been many moments of inspiration and uplifting too!

ONE: The rallying of friends and family!

Ya’ll SHOWED UP for me in some pretty hard & dark days! Thank you!

TWO: Self belief combating my own doubts…

  • “why not me.”

THREE: My milestone of 15 years clean and sober!

  • Definitely did not get here alone! Thank you again for all the love and support!

Finally, a renewed outlook on my why ๐Ÿ™‚

I not only want to share my story, but help those struggling. Not only with the big stuff, but the small stuff too! (The small stuff that can add up to the big stuff.)

Like I always say, I’m NOT perfect and don’t really want to be (trying to do that is exhausting; been there). One of the recovery principles I wanted to write about in this blog (and book) is honesty.

  • Not shying away when times get hard, but talking about the. Being open and willing to share. To be known and loved through it all.
  • Times when things don’t go as I want, how I deal with it & how that can help others, especially moms get through to the other side.

If nothing else: this time writing, doubt, writers block, frustrations, realizations; all give me even more to share about ๐Ÿ™‚

I truly believe things happen for a reason. We may never know what the reason is, but it’s not for nothing.

I hope and pray you will get something out of “my crazy” (as I like to put it).

  • How to deal with pain
  • Strength to change
  • Seeing the light and the hope change is possible
  • Even the fact that you too could write a book ๐Ÿ˜‰

I mean, why not right????

I just want to say thank you again for all the support, encouragement, excitement and questions about my book & me you send! Means more than you know!

It truly keeps me going!

So where am I in the book writing process????

I’m finishing the outline and beginning the rough draft.

Please pray for direction, time management, mental health, physical & spiritual too; along with my family.

So grateful to have you on the journey with me!

If you are just learning about me & my journey, welcome! (I hope I didn’t scare you off.)

Also, make sure to subscribe below so you don’t miss a thing!

You will be able to preview the book and give input along the way!

So glad you are here ๐Ÿ™‚

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