Fun, Free & Flourishing

Break free from what's holding you back and step into your calling.

Empower Your Day: How to Slay with Grace and Grit

Ever have those days when you wake up feeling like you can conquer the world? You know, when everything just seems to click, and you’re ready to tackle whatever comes your way? That’s the “slay all day” mindset—an empowering, confident, take-no-prisoners approach to life. But let’s be real: not every day starts like that. Some mornings, it’s all we can do to roll out of bed and face the day. So, how do we tap into that “slay all day” energy even when it feels elusive?

1. Start with Intention

The first step to slaying your day is setting a clear intention. Before your feet even hit the floor, take a moment to breathe and set your mind on what you want to accomplish. It doesn’t have to be something grand; it could be as simple as “Today, I choose to be kind to myself” or “I will give my best at work.” By setting an intention, you’re already steering your day in the direction you want it to go.

2. Fuel Your Spirit

“Slaying” isn’t just about hustle and grind; it’s about nourishing your spirit. Whether it’s a quiet moment of prayer, a cup of coffee enjoyed in solitude, or a burst of energy from your favorite worship song, find what fuels your soul. When your spirit is full, you’re more resilient and better equipped to take on whatever comes your way.

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” – Philippians 4:13
This verse is a powerful reminder that we are not alone in our journey. When we lean on our faith, we tap into a source of strength that goes beyond our own capabilities. With this divine support, we’re empowered to slay each day with confidence and grace.

3. Embrace the Mess

Let’s be honest: some days, “slaying” looks a lot like surviving. There will be days when nothing goes as planned, when the to-do list feels endless, and when you’re just trying to keep it together. And that’s okay. Slaying all day isn’t about perfection; it’s about showing up, giving your best, and embracing the mess along the way. Remember, it’s in the messy moments that we often find our greatest strength.

4. Celebrate Small Wins

It’s easy to get caught up in chasing big goals and overlook the small victories along the way. But every little win—getting through that tough meeting, making time for self-care, or simply making it through the day—is worth celebrating. These small wins are the building blocks of your confidence, reminding you of your power and capability. So, take a moment to acknowledge and celebrate each one.

5. Be Kind to Yourself

Slaying all day is as much about grace as it is about grit. Be kind to yourself, especially on the days when things don’t go as planned. Remember that you are doing the best you can, and that’s enough. Give yourself permission to rest, to recharge, and to take care of your well-being. After all, true power comes from a place of self-love and compassion.

6. Stay Connected

We’re not meant to do life alone. Surround yourself with people who lift you up, who remind you of your strength, and who cheer you on in your journey. Reach out to that friend who always knows how to make you laugh or join a community that shares your values and passions. When we lift each other up, we all rise higher.

7. Remember Your Why

On the days when slaying feels like a struggle, remember why you started. What’s driving you? What are you passionate about? What’s the bigger picture? Reconnecting with your “why” can reignite your fire and give you the strength to push through the challenges.

Slay with Grace and Grit

“Slay all day” isn’t about being flawless or having it all together. It’s about showing up, giving your best, and embracing the journey with grace and grit. It’s about knowing that, no matter what the day throws at you, you have the power within you to rise, to conquer, and to shine.

So, let’s go out there and slay, not with a sword but with a heart full of courage, a spirit full of faith, and a soul that’s ready to embrace whatever comes our way. Slay all day, beautiful warrior—you’ve got this!

Before you go…


This Episode talks about the importance of having support and in applicable in areas outside addiction/recovery. Can’t wait to hear what you think!

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