Fun, Free & Flourishing

Break free from what's holding you back and step into your calling.

I Have a Secret!!!

I have no idea what I’m doing! Can you relate??

I process by writing, so lets embark on this journey together!

I have been wanting to start something for awhile now and the same question keeps getting asked… “what do I want to give?” …”what can I bring?”… “what value can I add?”

As I sit here writing, I think the biggest thing “I can bring” is HONESTY.

So hear goes nothing!

I’m a MESS lol… pretty much self inflicted.

Yes, I have an amazing hubby, four beautiful kiddos, a relationship with a loving God, a roof over my head, a business that I love, and sobriety.

On paper my life is wonderful… so why do I feel so chaotic and frustrated all the time?

Why do I feel so alone at times?

Why do I feel like I can’t share what I’m struggling with?

Because “I should be grateful.” …”I should be happy.” Right???

(Inhale… Exhale)

Honestly, I feel exhausted.



So again I ask … what do I want out of this?? what do I want to bring to all of you?? what can I bring to you?? why am I adding another thing to my already full plate?

I share all this with you because I think what I want to bring to you, is what I also desire…

  • Realness
  • Freedom from shame and guilt
  • Community…Not a, let’s complain about all that is going wrong, but a me too… I’ve been there… and let’s move forward together; stronger, brighter, bolder, lighter!
  • Love for oursleves
  • Encouragement
  • Of course, lots of fun along the way too!!!
  • I want you to feel loved, supported, unafraid.
  • I want us to heal, grow, create lasting habits, kindle friendships.
  • I want to be a better me for my hubby and kiddos

Do any of those resonate with you?

The last two years have NOT been easy in the wife and mom department (but we will save those stories for another day).

I hope you come along on this revival with me!

Lets be fearless together!!!

I may be a mess but I have grown and learned a lot to get to where I am today.

If I can help just one person; all struggles and pain would be worth it.

I want to bring you REALNESS… I might not be exactly where I want to be, but I’m defiantly not where I use to be, in rehab 14 years ago. Again story for another day 😉

I want to talk about and work through struggles, not just ignore them.

I want to share with you what’s worked for me!

Maybe even work through struggles along side you?

If nothing else I want you to know you are loved, valuable, and capable of so much!

I would be honored to journey with you while you find fun, freedom and flourish!

If you can relate in anyway make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss a thing! I will send you a freebie, from me, as a welcome gift!

If the link isn’t working email me! [email protected]

Rooting for you always!

Racquel xo

9 responses to “I Have a Secret!!!”

  1. LOVE you and all your honesty! I read this part as a song..and it’s now stuck in head! “stronger, brighter, bolder, lighter!”

  2. In case no one has told you lately, you are amazing, strong, brave, wonderful, kind, loved, worthy, and there is no one like you. The world needs you. You are amazing, you are important, you are special, you are unique, you are precious, you are loved!
    You are amazing simply for hanging in there and holding on, no matter how hard things get! And for moving forward no matter how scared you are or how anxious you feel. Yep, you are awesome. I am lucky to have you in my life! 🙏

  3. I believe you will have many requests to join. And of all ages! We can all feel like this with all God has blessed us with. I love your energy and transparency, just love it!!

  4. You are doing so much good Lady!! Love your heart and encouragement for others. You inspire me!

  5. You have always amazed me! Thank you again for stepping out and sharing what most of us struggle with daily. Thank you!!

  6. I love all you are doing!! You are such an inspiration! Always seem so happy.
    Life is tough, but beautiful. You are certainly on the right path. Take care of yourself, too!!

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