Fun, Free & Flourishing

Break free from what's holding you back and step into your calling.

It All Comes Down to Focus!


New Date

Same Goal: Write a Book

This has not gone how I planned…

In my mind, I was on the 90 day plan and done by the end of the year!

However it is January 1st as I write this!

[Insert life lol] …

Like I mentioned last update, life has happened. since saying yes to a book.

I also have been battling my own personal depression and funkity-ness.

You know I like to keep it real here 😉 More over on my socials! (Click here to follow my journey.)


With all the hats I am currently wearing and the addition of plates spinning and bike moving (I love my Peloton). I have had to take time to stop and reevaluate.

I think it is important to stop and assess. Some great markers are:

  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Mothly
  • Quarterly
  • Yearly (birthday/summer/new year)
  • 5 and 10 years

Also, I do not do this perfectly. I just know that when I do take the time; things come into perspective.

I’m able to see patterns, get a view of what is working and not.

BUT the kicker is …I HAVE TO BE HONEST with myself and others.

I have found when I’m working though an icky place I can somtimes sugar coat what’s really going on or not think/tell “full truths”. I can be my own worst enemy.

If I’m not willing to get real how will I move forward with the best information possible???

So here is what I have found…

I need focus (suprise suprise lol)

Not that I can only do one thing (my personality would not allow it).

But that in this season I need to carve out time to get done what I need to get done and write.

I need to say yes, to things that will allow me to do so, and no to the things that will pull me away.

For example: not doing all the extra fluffy stuff on social media and get my butt in a seat and write.

Another example: streamlining my current business and sticking to a shedule instead of flying by the seat of my pants and going where the wind blows.

Even the little things like watching TV or scrolling on social media. I can have set times so I don’t get sucked in.

(You can apply this to anything… what are you wanting to do that keeps getting away from you?)

Now for accountability!

First YOU have my permission to ask me about my book anytime.

I would welcome it actually!

I have a New Goal to be finished by March 29 my birthday!!! How cool would that be!!

So I’m going to be carving out an hour a day (at least) and write.

Do you have any goals for the New Year 2024?

Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Break the goal into smaller, achievable tasks.
  • Set specific deadlines for each task.
  • Prioritize tasks based on their importance.
  • Create a timeline or project plan.
  • Allocate resources effectively.
  • Regularly review progress and adjust strategies.
  • Seek feedback and adapt to challenges.
  • Stay organized and use tools for tracking.
  • Foster a supportive environment.
  • Celebrate milestones to stay motivated.

Make sure to comment below so I can be cheering you on too!!

Plus reach out anytime to connect, bounce ideas around, have a work/planning session or for encouragment!

I want you to FLOURISH in 2024!

PS. Make sure you are following me on my socials as I journey, on the commitment I made, to write at least 1 hour a day to finish my book!

IG: rocky_lynne_lopez

FB: Racquel Lynne Lopez

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