Fun, Free & Flourishing

Break free from what's holding you back and step into your calling.

Writing a book by the end of the year!

It’s been decided!

I’m all in!

I have all the feels!

(excited and scared are off the charts)

I need all the prayers and encouragement along the way!

Why I decided to write a book…

(Let me preface this by saying it has taken me a long time and a lot of work on me to get me here….)

When I close my eyes and think about my future, I see me on stage speaking to women of all ages.

I’m in groups and one-on-ones guiding and encouraging.

I want women to know change is possible. You don’t have to stay stuck in the same place you are, if you don’t want to be there.



YOUR LIFE is WORTH fighting for!

You can find a NEW LIFE out of the darkness



I want to share my story in hopes to:

  • Help others get honest with themselves (and others)
  • Talk about what’s really going on? What’s unmanageable?
  • Find hope and belief in themselves and something greater
  • Practice surrender, vulnerability, and empathy
  • Live authentically
  • Have gratitude
  • Build a support system
  • Learn how to reach out and ask for help
  • Work through thoughts and beliefs
  • Deal with forgiveness
  • Serve/ give back
  • Find your purpose

And so much more!!!

Now close your eyes… what do you see yourself doing?

How can I cheer you on in making your dream come true?

ROOTING for YOU too!!!

Fun Mind Mapping Session!!

Realized I have about 5 books in that wild mind of mine!!!

Let’s get started on the first!

I can’t wait to share this process with you!!!

I will need all your prayers and support 🙂 THANKS for all the support you have already given me to get me where I can today!!!

Stay up to date with all things book!!!!!

5 responses to “Writing a book by the end of the year!”

  1. You go girl! I’ve thought of that, too!
    I look forward to seeing your progress and am praying for you! ♥️👍🏼😀

  2. So amazing! So proud of you and can’t wait to see all the great things God is going to do through you!

  3. I’m excited to see you progress on your book project. You’ve got this!

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